Alaiedon Township
The Hill Land for Excellent Living
Historic Cemeteries
Alaiedon Township has four non-active cemeteries: Dubois, Foote-Rockwell, Strickland and Olds. When these cemeteries were first established, they were family cemeteries as evidenced by the oldest headstones being that family and the name of the cemetery.
Dubois Cemetery - Est. 1841
The Dubois Cemetery, located on Every Road just south of Harper Road, was established in 1841. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Dubois deeded the cemetery to the township in 1842.
Approximately 100 persons were buried at Dubois from 1841 to 1923.

Eye witness accounts of some of the last burials to occur at Dubois include descriptions of a horse drawn hearse pulling up to the entrance of the lane to the cemetery. Pallbearers then removed the casket from the carriage and hand carried it up the lane all the way to the cemetery.
Alaiedon Township does not own the land (the lane) that leads up to the Dubois Cemetery. The township has a 20 foot-wide access easement leading up to the site. The township requests that all visitors to Dubois Cemetery park outside the gate and walk back; however, if you are physically unable to walk to the cemetery, you may drive a vehicle, but please ensure the lane is dry and stay on the easement as marked by the posts.
Foote-Rockwell Cemetery - Est. 1850
Truman Rockwell farmed near what today is I-96 and the corner of Hagadorn Road and Atrium Drive, hence the location of the Foote-Rockwell Cemetery, which was active between 1850 and 1926.
Strickland Cemetery - Est. 1850
Located at the Holt / Hagadorn Road intersection, the Strickland Cemetery is made up of about twenty five persons buried between 1850 and 1890. Approximately fifteen of them are Stricklands.
Olds Cemetery
The Olds Cemetery is located at the northwest corner of Sandhill and Dobie Road, which appears to be the same location where the Leek School was located. This is due to the fact that the concrete steps from the Leek School sit in the middle of the Olds Cemetery.
Special Note to Dubois Cemetery Visitors: